Waka Flocka Flame has gone ahead to clarify his earlier remarks about Caitlyn Jenner through social media, after being criticized for being transphobic earlier in the week.
Speaking to 'The Breakfast Club' earlier in the week, Waka made the following remarks on Jenner:
"They don't market families and husbands and wives anymore. They're marketing young girls, transgenders, they're marketing evil. Evil is marketed. I ain't got nothing against anybody’s preferences, but putting it on TV, that's crazy, man. Kids is the only people watching TV."
He continued,
"I ain't saying nothing against like Bruce Jenner, you follow me, you are who you are when god made you, not who you became after he did. That's how I just feel. You rebuking god, man. God ain't put them feelings in you, man, that's the devil playing tricks on your mind. That's a test from God."
Taking to his Twitter, where debate has occurred for days, Waka elaborated on his Breakfast Club statements:
"I'm not homophobic. I have nothing against the gay community. I'm still standing on what I said. I'm not a fan of transgenders marketed like a superhero. And yes, I was wrong for using the word evil. I apologize for that, and every person I offended...I have nothing against transgender people. I simply feel we have to be careful what our children see as 'sensationalized'. Children's brains are in constant development until adulthood. And they pay attention to everything, whether we want to accept it or not. I'm a father now, so I look at life a lot differently."
Waka Flocka also added a dig at the media, saying:
"Understand a technique by the press called 'bait and click'. Ads make money and all these sites have ads." Waka has also announced intentions to run for president.
By Devon Pyne for RAPstation.com