There's a new kid on the block: Philadelphia hip-hop artist Nave makes some pretty sophisticated music for a young, 20-something male. First single, "Cosby Kids," comes from his upcoming full-length
Espresso and sends an intoxicating message about growing up, and how often our innate innocence so often gets lost along the way. Incredibly, the song was written before the Bill Cosby drug scandal broke, making it an eerie premonition of Cosby's shocking downfall.
As a veteran of the BKS1 Radio BBQ in New Jersey, Nave knows how to command a crowd and the mic. If "Cosby Kids" and the latest single, "Copy That," are any indications of his potential, he's definitely just getting started.
While the Philly wordsmith delivers his rhymes with unbridled passion and spits them out in typical braggadocio form, it's somehow different from the verbal vomit spewed from the mouths of similar sounding artists.
Check out www.saynave.com for music.