It's been just over a week since Trugoy The Dove died in Maryland at the age of 54. Understandably, the other members of De La Soul, Posdnuos and Maseo, have been laying low as they process the profound loss they're currently experiencing. But over the last few days, Maseo has started sharing some of his thoughts with his fans as he mourns.
On Wednesday (February 22), both Maseo and Posdnuos broke their silence on De La Soul's official Instagram page. Pos wrote, "Dear Dave, You were the heart of our group. You brought so much creativity, energy, and passion to our music, and your influence will be felt for years to come. Your passing is a great loss not only to us, but also to the entire hip-hop community. You were a true artist who used music to inspire and uplift others, and you will be deeply missed by all who knew you.
"This is heavy on our hearts and minds but we are smiling and even laughing at all the great times we shared with you. As we attempt to navigate this world without you, we stand grateful and proud of all you accomplished on this earth. We would like to say thank you Dave for being a big brother. Thank you for being a friend. Thank you for the wise words placed in your verses. Thank you for the music you produced that is loved by so many. Thank you for never wanting to compromise the quality of our brand. Thank you for helping us become a group that will remain etched in the timeline of hip hop culture as well as the fabric of music and for now on when we perform 'Ring Ring Ring Ha Ha Hey' we will say '2-2-2-2-222 we got an angel in heaven who can talk to you.'"
Maseo's sentiments soon followed. As expected, Maseo admits his soul is "hurting real bad." He continued, "Dave - thank you so much for being in my life. Although you and I would argue like hell, we would both admit when we were wrong and totally come full circle and say, 'I Love You.' I want to truly thank you for having the birds eye view of our collective vision to be a group. Before Trugoy The Dove, I met J.D. Dove aside being called Dave in 1985. I remember your mom calling you Dove, so you've always had wings, so go on and fly into the light, Merce and I will make sure your legacy is well preserved.
"'We Are De La Soul' for life and after life, but obviously, it will never be the same. On one end I'm happy you no longer have to suffer the pain of your condition but on the other hand, I'm extremely upset at the fact that you're not here to celebrate and enjoy what we worked and fought so hard to achieve. Unfortunately, emcees that are in groups very rarely get mentioned, you and Merce are top tier, your contribution as emcees and song writers have inspired many to step up there game."
He added, "DAMMIT DAVE! to be writing about you in past tense is CRAZY, but at least I got to tell you a lot of this and more except for the part about being named Dove. Let me just end off by saying I am very content and more than reassured about our relationship as brothers because we discussed it thoroughly and solidified what is necessary just in case something happened to any of us, but who would've thought so soon when there was so much to live for.
"MY SOUL IS HURTING REALLY BAD, but I want to thank my brother @Plugwondelasoul for digging me out of my hole alongside my wife and children. To all the De La Fans, our peers, constituents and family, thank you for all of your support through this troubling time. AMITYVILLE, ALL OF LONG ISLAND AND HIP HOP CULTURE, PLEASE STAND UP AND SALUTE THE LEGENDARY ICON TRUGOY THE DOVE, PLUG 2 AKA DAVE! YOU WILL BE EXTREMELY MISSED AND WAY TO DOPE TO EVER BE FORGOTTEN...I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH BIG BRO."
De La Soul's first six albums will finally be available on all streaming platforms beginning March 3. Stream the hell out of them.