A Message From Gummy Soul Co-Founder, Bizarre Tribe/Fela Soul Creator, Amerigo Gazaway
Regrettably, I am no longer affiliated with Gummy Soul. Through all the highs and lows, it has been a great run and I wish my former colleagues nothing but the best. With your help, we built something far exceeding our expectations and for that, I thank all of you. Watching Gummy Soul grow from our early radio show days to an active independent label has been an invaluable experience.
However, the label's rapid growth has increasingly cut into the time I have to do what I love most: create music. While indie artists today have more avenues than ever to share and expose their music, it is considerably more difficult for us to make a living from it. Because of this, it is no longer financially feasible for me to continue running a record label while still being an artist.
Our Label Manager, Rickey Mindlin (the guy who penned our open letter response to Sony) has been critical to Gummy Soul's success and will be joining me on my new platform, "Amerigo Music". This new arrangement will allow me a lot more time to create, drop projects more frequently and continue making a living on the road. If you dug Fela Soul and Bizarre Tribe and are a fan of my music, stay connected on Facebook/Twitter for updates on upcoming releases.
To get you started, check out my new Chromeo A-side/B-side re-works below. They’re a little Boz Scaggs, a little Joe Bataan, a little War, and a whole lot of Chromeo.
As always, a sincere and humble thank you for your support, feedback and inspiration. Can't wait for you guys to hear what we've got coming.
Amerigo Gazaway
Please visit http://amerigomusic.com/2013/08/chromed-out-remixes-vol-1 to check out the Chromeo re-works now.